We’re bringing the music of the hottest modern Latvian Song festival to the Latvian Song festival held in Canada!

We’re bringing the music of the hottest modern Latvian Song festival to the Latvian Song festival held in Canada!

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Foundation "Latvijas Universitātes fonds"

Reg. No. 40003412490

Vaļņu iela 10-2, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050

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The author of the greatest compositions from the Latvian Song festival of recent years is Raimonds Tiguls. The whole nation has fallen in love with his work, for example, ‘Lec, Saulīte’, ‘Dod Dieviņi’ as well as others. We, together with Raimonds himself and the University of Latvia’s (UL) choir ‘Aura’, wish to bring these feelings to our compatriots living in Canada. We ask that you support this initiative by donating.

Raimonds Tiguls is a latvian pianist, musician, producer and the composer of several CDs published worldwide. On multiple occasions, he has received Record of the Year awards. Raimonds received worldwide recognition for his albums ‘Moonlight Sound Design’ and ‘’De Angelis’. He is also the lead organiser of the International music concert in Tiguļkans, Talsi. In 2022, he received an Order of the Three Stars for his creative excellence and contribution to Latvian music.

University of Latvia’s mixed choir ‘Aura’, which was established in 2004 in UL Physics, Mathematics and Optometry faculty, is a special and inspiring collective. Thanks to artistic director and conductor, Edgars Vītols’, enthusiasm and unity of the choir members, ‘Aura’ has experienced rapid growth, achieved great success and received awards not only in local, but also international competitions and concerts.

‘Aura’ consists of, roughly, 70 talented singers from all over Latvia and ensures high artistic and musical quality, that is backed up by the awards it has earned. The choir is proud of its active participation in the General Latvian Song and Dance festival, Song and dance festival of Baltic students ‘Gaudeamus’ and other significant events.

This year, ‘Aura’ has received the highest rating in choir shows, which allows them to participate in ‘Choir wars’. The choir’s conductor and head of the Music Pedagogy Department of Jāzeps Vītols’ Latvian Academy of Music, Edgars Vītols, is going to, for the first time ever, be the chief conductor at the XXVII General Latvian Song and XVII Dance festival.

Raimonds Tiguls and ‘Aura’ have successfully performed and found success in their music industries. For their great achievements, both Raimonds Tiguls and ‘Aura’, have been invited to participate in the XVI Song and Dance festival, taking place in Canada in 2024, which will attract compatriots from all over the world.

This is a great gesture, showing appreciation for Latvian artists. Adding to that, they will have a joint musical programme, made for and performed in this festival. It allows Raimonds Tiguls and ‘Aura’ to demonstrate their musical talent and creativity together for an international audience. It’s a prestigious invite that will allow to represent Latvian culture.

The participation fee for one chorister in Canada is 1360 euro.

Additional information about Raimonds Tiguls: https://raimondstiguls.com/ | Raimonds Tigulis work

Additional information about UL’s choir ‘Aura’: www.koris-aura.lv  | “AURA” work

Every donation matters

Gratitude to every donator!

  • Anonymous
  • Enija Zaķe FHP
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Dažādi ziedotāji Koris Aura koncerts
  • Dažādi ziedotāji Kora Aura koncerta
  • Irīna Dambrāne
  • Anonymous
  • Edgars Jakubauskis
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Iraida Neimane
  • Ieva Prauliņa
  • Toms Mikoss
  • Ramūns Usovs
  • Rūta Bruževica FHP
  • Sarmite Mezbarde
  • Elīna Fridvalde
  • Ingūna Krūmiņa
  • Eriks Bunclers
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Aiga Švede
  • Indra Trofimoviča
  • Anonymous