Support for the restoration of the star globe

Support for the restoration of the star globe

2.412€ of 3.000€ raised

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Foundation "Latvijas Universitātes fonds"

Reg. No. 40003412490

Vaļņu iela 10-2, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050

Donation Total: 20€

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Let the star globe shine again!

Celebrating the centenary of the former Astronomy observatory in 2022, the University of Latvia Museum has envisaged to set up a modern exhibition about the history of astronomy research at the University of Latvia (UL).

One of the key centerpieces of the exhibition will be a large star globe, which was purchased to teach the UL students in the 1930s. After the Second World War, the globe was used for teaching  by the Latvian astronomer, explorer of asteroids and comets, the Head of the UL Astronomy Laboratory Professor Kārlis Šteins (1911-1983). As the electronic study aids developed, the star globe has become a unique historical artifact and perhaps the only star globe of such a size in Latvian museums. Its diameter is 80 centimeters.

Let’s fill the celestial treasure chest with gold thalers!

In the course of the time, he globe has sustained substantial damage: it lost its coloring with the elements of the figures of stars and constellations, and the elements of its construction were damaged. Therefore, a thorough restoration is needed before it can be exhibited as a part of the exhibition.


Image: A member of the Astronomy Laboratory Jēkabs Videnieks standing by the star globe. 1930s,  photo from the UL Museum collection.

TV3 story about the restoration of the star globe.

Every donation matters

Gratitude to every donator!

  • Anonymous
  • Krišjānis Punculis Other
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Rihards Ruska FPMO
  • Sandra Grāmatiņa
  • Mariona Baltkalne Other
  • Anonymous FGES
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Lolita Kostjukova FBME
  • Anonymous Other
  • Anonymous FHP
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  • Anonymous FBME
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Anonymous FM
  • Inta Krastiņa FC
  • Anonymous Other
  • Reinis Vilciņš FHP
  • Lauma Lubāne FBME
  • Zane Vrubļevska Other
  • Iveta Gudakovska FSS
  • Anonymous FSS
  • Rūdolfs Dankfelds FB
  • Uģis Pallo FT
  • Kate Pelēce FT
  • Ilva Cinīte FPMO