Support for the Alumni Trail

Support for the Alumni Trail

25.426€ of 45.000€ raised

Not deducted for administrative expenses

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Foundation "Latvijas Universitātes fonds"

Reg. No. 40003412490

Vaļņu iela 10-2, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050

Donation Total: 20€

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The University of Latvia restores the Botanical Garden and prepares it for the centenary of the garden event in 2022. By arranging and adjusting the territory’s infrastructure with today’s requirements, the garden will serve as an attractive place for the general public. Inside the territory of the Botanical Garden, the construction of Alumni Trail is planned.

Such activities as cleaning the territory, tree evaluation, geotechnical inspection and preparation of building construction have been managed so far. In addition, part of the path construction has been accomplished, which makes up the largest amount of the total costs expected.

As a result of this project, there will be a landscaped and built-up area with a sense of preserved nature and place for walks – the Shadow Garden, enclosing the 150 meters long Alumni Trail. Because of the existing vegetation, the Shadow Garden is rich of secrets and surprises.

Every donation matters

Gratitude to every donator!

  • Marta Barone FGES
  • Laura FGES
  • Beāte Dansone
  • Evija Lisovska FGES
  • Rūta Zariņa FGES
  • Anete Fedorovska FGES
  • Santa Krēsliņa Other
  • Santa Krēsliņa Other
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Anonymous Other
  • Santa Kreslina Other
  • Santa Murāne FM
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Juris Baldunciks FBME
  • Līva Kukle FH
  • Nils Rostoks FB
  • Anita Garā FSS
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Jānis Švirksts FC
  • Līga Pakalna FGES
  • Gunārs Elksnis FL
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Uldis Kondratovičs FB
  • ilze france FPMO
  • Juris Pūce FBME
  • Ivars Lācis FPMO
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • Ilze Elbere FB
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • Poļina Zaļizko FM
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • patricija kuzmina FHP
  • indrikis muiznieks FB
  • Andrējs Krūmiņš FPMO
  • Māris Vainovskis FL
  • ff cv Other
  • estere pumpura FT
  • selvijs ozolins Other
  • selvijs Ozolins Other
  • Juris Puce FL
  • Ivars Lācis FPMO
  • Brigita Zutere FPMO
  • Ivars Lācis FPMO
  • Kristaps Bērziņš FB
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anna Kiršteina FB
  • Pēteris Jurčenko FPMO
  • Ilze Izabella Dindune FB
  • Anonymous FH
  • Inga Jonāne FPMO
  • Anonymous Other
  • Laila Brūna FHP
  • Laila Brūna FHP
  • Pēteris Jurčenko FEPA
  • Elīna Didrihsone FB
  • Ilze Jermacāne FHP
  • Maksims Ivanovs FC
  • Kristīne Sikora FL
  • Andris Jeminejs Other
  • Santa Kreslina Other
  • Karīna Karīna FL
  • Andris Ramans Other
  • Baiba Kaņepe FM
  • Toms Pāvils FH
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Jana Komļeva FEPA
  • Elīna Pavlovska FPMO
  • Emils Vavere FPMO
  • Eigits Dāvis Timermanis tēva Dāvīda Timermaņa piemiņai FBME
  • Kaspars Cirsis FL
  • Anna Dorondo FC
  • Ritvars Jansons FHP
  • Kristaps Grundsteins FT
  • Evelīna Zilgalve FH
  • Lauma Anta Tipāne FSS
  • Janis Kurlovics FM
  • Kārlis Puķītis FPMO
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Liene Bokmane FSS
  • Irīna Rudenko FH
  • Aleksandrs Potaičuks FL
  • Rita Indāne FBME
  • Anonymous FSS
  • Anonymous FL
  • Edgars Butanovs FPMO
  • Māris Melbārdis FHP
  • Ita Romanauska FC
  • Rudīte Vesere FGES
  • Anonymous FB
  • LU absolventu dienas ziedojums (Dažādi ziedotāji) FB
  • Anonymous FH
  • Antra Sprēde FSS
  • Margers Pocs FBME
  • Anonymous FB
  • Daiga Spila FH
  • Anonymous FGES
  • Andris Feldmanis Other
  • Vita Daukste FSS
  • Agnese Brangule FC
  • Pēters Brangulis FBME
  • Sandris Lācis FPMO
  • Anna Skrastiņa FC
  • Inta Švirksta FC
  • Elga Berņa FC
  • Dace Daugaviete FH
  • Anonymous FH
  • Anonymous Other
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Rimants Žogota FC
  • Anonymous FBME
  • Inese Lukšo FHP
  • Mārtiņš Brencis FL
  • Jānis Baiža FPMO
  • Baiba Niedre-Otomere FB
  • Antons Pribitoks FPMO
  • Līga Pakalna FGES
  • Uldis Straujums FPMO
  • Sarmīte Brence FSS
  • Anonymous FB
  • Agrita Zālīte FB
  • Pēteris Krastiņš FPMO
  • Armīns Meisters FL
  • Ginta Martinsone FBME
  • Līna Dzene FBME
  • Andis Liepa FB
  • Evita Teice-Mamaja FSS
  • Edīte Kalniņa FEPA
  • Anonymous FC
  • Gunārs Elksnis FL
  • Laila Bekmane FSS
  • Laura Melne FHP
  • Jānis Stonis FBME
  • Inese Taškova FC
  • Jurijs Ješkins FGES
  • janis brizga FGES
  • Anonymous FC
  • Sindija Ramlava FEPA
  • Dāvids Celmiņš FSS
  • Austra Auzina FGES
  • Laura Riekstiņa FH
  • Aija Kozlovska FPMO
  • Valdis Circenis FBME
  • Martins Gavars FHP
  • Irita Bite FM
  • Uldis Kalviškis FB
  • Germans Ļebezovs FHP
  • Juris Borzovs FC
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anonymous FL
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • ilze fance FPMO
  • Alīna Gržibovska FBME
  • Guntis Rozenbergs FSS
  • Janis Ikstens FSS
  • Anonymous FGES
  • Anonymous FB
  • Anonymous FC
  • Mārcis Auziņš FPMO
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anonymous FM
  • Imants Pops FPMO
  • Indra Segliņa FPMO
  • Balvis Gulbis FPMO
  • Guntis Berzins Other
  • Anonymous FGES
  • Evija Gulbinska FPMO
  • martins kibilds FL
  • Ivars Puksts FC
  • Anonymous FC
  • Pāvels Fricbergs FPMO
  • Kristaps Ābols FGES
  • Marika Vidina FT
  • Poļina Zaļizko FM
  • Zane Anaite FSS
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Davis Sarguns FT
  • Anete Baltiņa FSS
  • Anonymous FC
  • Mārcis Sējējs FC
  • Anonymous FC
  • gunta pastore FSS
  • Ivo Liepa Other
  • Sabīne Riekstiņa FBME
  • Anonymous Other
  • Samanta Ose Other
  • Anonymous Other
  • Lauris Liepa FL
  • Anonymous FB
  • Dita Pelnēna FB
  • Anonymous FHP
  • patricija kuzmina FHP
  • Diāna Sloboda FC
  • kristine casno FBME
  • Artūrs Mazarevičs FC
  • Viesturs Zandersons FGES
  • Anonymous FB
  • Andrējs Krūmiņš FPMO
  • Artis Ozoliņš FC
  • Laura Kļaviņa FHP
  • estere pumpura FT
  • Anonymous FPMO
  • Juris Pūce FBME
  • mārtiņš bičevskis FL
  • Māris Vainovskis FL
  • Girts Rungainis FPMO
  • Indriks Muznieks FB
  • ilja jersovs FC
  • Inta Zutere Other
  • ff cv Other
  • Anonymous FL
  • Kristīne Soboļevska FB
  • Evelīna Zilgalve FH
  • Anonymous FC
  • Anonymous FSS
  • Anonymous FL
  • Anonymous Other
  • Voldemārs Hermanis FBME
  • Annija Kārkliņa FL
  • Agnis Bušs FB
  • Jānis Lungevičs Other
  • Juris Baldunčiks FBME
  • Arta Krēsliņa FSS
  • Ilze Dindune FB
  • Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla FHP
  • Diāna Ondža FBME
  • Laila Kundzina FHP
  • Pēteris Jurčenko FPMO