In memory of Roberts Rūsis – support for the creation of the Lettonias book

In memory of Roberts Rūsis – support for the creation of the Lettonias book

4.759€ of 3.000€ raised

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Foundation "Latvijas Universitātes fonds"

Reg. No. 40003412490

Vaļņu iela 10-2, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050

Donation Total: 100€

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The biggest project at the end of the life of the benefactor of the LU Foundation, Robert Ruš, was support for the creation of a book on the history of Latvia. The aim of the book is to provide the Latvian society with an objective – based on historical sources and academic research traditions – study of the student corporation “Lettonia”, whose members have been members of the Rūš family for four generations. This study will also provide an insight into the history of the common Latvian student corporations.

For the 150th anniversary of its lifetime organization, the Latvian Philistine Aid Society intended to publish an academic study of Latvian history. The authors of the collective monograph are academically educated historians, including employees of the Latvian Institute of History and the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. The scientific editor of the monograph is historian, chief editor of the Latvian National Encyclopedia Valters Ščerbinskis. The book will have an English summary. The book is under construction.

Every donation matters

Gratitude to every donator!

  • Anonymous
  • Linda Vecgaile FBME
  • Valdis Vinkels
  • Anonymous
  • Lolita Kostjukova
  • Anonymous Other
  • Anonymous FHP
  • Kārlis Muehlenbachs
  • Rainers Vilāns
  • Toms FL
  • Zigmārs Turčinskis
  • Viktors Bekmanis Other
  • Jānis Purmalis FL
  • Laima Matuzāle
  • Katrina Belousko
  • Gustav Plato FBME
  • Baiba Rudzroga- Plāte
  • Nataļja Bedrjagina
  • Lilija
  • Justs Karlsons
  • Ģirts Zēgners FM
  • Anonymous
  • Inese Saldābola FB
  • Māris Saba
  • Juris Rumba Other
  • Laila Kundziņa
  • Ieva Zariņa
  • Jānis Zvērs FHP
  • Valdis Bunte Other
  • Paulis Pilsums FHP
  • Dana Kamzola
  • Māris Šteinbergs
  • Anonymous
  • Pauls Gundars Berzins Other
  • Jānis Krievs
  • Anonymous