Support Ukraine!

Support Ukraine!

5.001€ of 5.000€ raised

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Foundation "Latvijas Universitātes fonds"

Reg. No. 40003412490

Vaļņu iela 10-2, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050

Donation Total: 100€

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University of Latvia Foundation launches donation campaign “Support Ukraine”.

 The aim of the campaign is to support students from Ukraine who are studying at the University of Latvia with tuition fee discounts, as well as to provide the opportunity to stay in UL service hotels free of charge, to provide psychological support. There is also a need for support for researchers from Ukraine who have come to Latvia to cooperate with UL research groups and want to stay longer.

Together we can help!

Every donation matters

Gratitude to every donator!

  • test tetst
  • Jānis Švirksts FC
  • Andris Potrebko FPMO
  • Anonymous
  • Raimonda
  • Aivars Markots FGES
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Tālivaldis Freivalds
  • Dažādi Ziedotāji (pa tālruni) FBME
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Laila Kundziņa
  • Anonymous Other
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Ojārs Skudra FSS
  • Zane Simsone FB
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous FEPA
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous Other
  • Anonymous
  • Elvis Friks
  • Anonymous Other
  • Annika Arone FSS
  • Selvijs Ozoliņš Other